Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dry Skin

I often forget that I actually have been diagnosed with several skin disorders of no specific origin. Sometime in my mid twenties I found I have eczema and seborrheic dermatitis. Since I am pretty healthy, I rarely have an issue or outbreak on the first, though the second is a constant irritant, so I try to keep my scalp shaved, which seems to work better then any other treatment I have tried, and I have tried them all!

There are likely a million DIY recipes for lotions, ointments, etc. that will likely help with any minor skin irritations. I have a huge problem in this life - I cannot stand lotion or things on my hands that may transfer to my face. I never had acne as a teenager, but as an adult it has been a huge battle for me, so anything that may inadvertently cause me more acne is a no-no! I do tend to touch my face a lot, but I try my best to be aware of it and to stop the urge. When I had long curly hair I had a compulsion to rub the smooth part of a curl against my lip and this only made my acne go crazy as I was transferring oil everywhere. No hair is a better option for me. I would suggest searching around on pintrest or google if you have an interest in making your own products, just keep in mind that not every recipe is going to suit every person, so you may have to test out a few. I usually read comments and reviews and if they seem sincere and numerous, I am on the train!

For my head, as I stated above, my only real answer to the dermatitis is to shave my head. It clears up mostly when I manage to keep it shaved and also if I put some jojoba oil on my dome to keep it moisturized. Living in the high desert is not for every skin type and mine is definitely not suited to the climate here any better then it was back in New York, where it was moist, but almost too moist. Both of my skin conditions began when I lived in NY, so my current environment did not cause my conditions. Now, as a farmer living in the high desert with sensitive skin I can tell you about some dry skin! My skin flakes off as though burned even when it is not. I have heard that coconut oil is a good moisturizer, but I have not had any luck with it. As soon as I put it on it feels like it is gone. If I had some to waste right now I would probably try to make an ointment with some wax and oils and see if that would work better (which it probably would, since the wax would make the oil stay on top of the skin longer).

I live in a 5th Wheel trailer and have no dishwasher, so I get to wash a lot of dishes. In the winter my hands crack badly and since I cannot tolerate lotion on my hands, I end up with cut up hands. I started to use dishwashing gloves and that helps a lot. A warning, they will break and pop no matter what brand you choose. If my hands get really bad, I will slather them with Aquafor or homemade ointment before bed and when I awaken, they are usually much better.

I know I could do a million different things to moisturize before the damage is done, I just have a terrible time with slimy things on my skin, so sometimes you have to know what to do After! So, ointments, lotions, specialty shampoos - you can make your own from a million recipes online to try. If you have any additional tips, please add them to the comments section.

Love and Light <3 Psynn

Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Natural Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies

As I am typing this, my ears hurt. The allergies have been killer lately, so bad that no matter what you take whether it is prescription, over the counter or holistic  it is a war inside your head and sinus cavity! My lymph nodes are half swollen, but to be fair I just laid out a bunch of straw and dirt in the garden and my nose is still full of dirt, so my poor body is working at maximum to keep these allergic reactions at a minimum. I am allergic to three different plants that flower every few months for the entire year on the west coast and I moved to Arizona! I guess that was a bad choice for my allergies. Anytime I work in the yard there is a chance that I will be stabbed by Russian Thistle also known as tumbleweed or come into contact with yellowdock, a common plant that is also used in many organic body products. I cannot recall the third allergen, but I have it documented somewhere. Anyway, onto the cures!

Local Honey: They say that if you want to get your body tough and able to take on local allergens, you should ingest local honey. All those pollen bits will enter your body and may worsen your symptoms for a while, but in the end, your immune system will be stronger. I do love honey, but it is not a cheap commodity so I have not been able to acquire any local honey to test this one. There are many testimonials online about it, if you need more proof, but really - honey is yummy, so just try it if you can afford it :) my allergies have worsened so much over the years that I am not sure I could ever afford enough honey to cure myself, but it will sure be fun to try!

Quercitin - Quercitin is a naturally occurring bioflavonid that we consume in a lot of different fruits, flowers and vegetables every single day, but in such small amounts that it is impossible for a human to consume enough food to create the same effect as the supplement. However, it's main function in supplement form is respiratory support and it saves my life every single day of bad allergy weather (and I live in a very windy place with lots of trees, weeds and plants around). I actually take the one with Bromelaine, because joint support is always a good thing! The thing I love best about quercitin is that it is natural and it works differently then any OTC medication. Instead of blocking the histamine, it blocks as much of the bodies reaction to the histamine as it can - I made my body mad with all that straw and dirt and allergens in my face, which is the only reason I am feeling any bad reaction.

Apple Cider Vinegar - As with all ailments I know of, allergies can be aided with a little acv cocktail every day. It just balances the body, raises the immune system, and is made of magic. 

Nettle tea: I have not tried this method, but it is a natural antihistamine!  As long as there is no allergy, can't hurt to try it! Any herbal tea that provides respiratory support would also be helpful!

Golden Seal/Echinacea: This can help boost your immune system, to better block those pesky infections. If I don't take my quercitin or acv, I am almost guaranteed an infection that will then have to be acv'd all over again :)

Netti Pot: This is a special thing. I have one, though I have not used it in a while and probably should now as all that dirt is driving me sort of crazy. The key is to breathe shallowly through your mouth as the water runs through your nose and out of your other nostril (hopefully over a sink). I am not going to tell you this is comfortable, but it is a great way to rinse your sinuses before something starts to spore! After you are done, blow your nose and it should eventually soothe the sinuses. Always use filtered water or purchased water. I live on a community well, but I would not even use that water. There have been a few too many stories about people having parasites from using tap water. I did it for the first year with no problem, but better to be safe than sorry on this!

Oil Pulling: If you oil pull every morning, this helps to keep the sinuses moister then they might normally be and we all know sinus infections start with dryness and cracking. When I oil pull I can't help but blow my nose afterwards as it knocks everything loose, in a good way!

Water: Keeping hydrated is a huge thing when allergens are about - once that irritation begins there is an increased chance of infection.

Rest: Some say that resting is a good way to stave off allergies, stating that stress can increase symptoms or aggravate them.

Staying Inside: I am the worst at this! Being a farmer, living in a trailer, having most of my things in a shed, having to run to town, etc. I can stay inside for only so long, plus I need that vitamin D! I did purchase a dust mask at some point, but it got shuffled in the move :) I will try to cover my mouth and nose with a handkerchief if I remember - I forgot today! 

Peppermint Steam: If that infection gets you and you just cannot breathe, put a few drops of peppermint essential oil in some boiling water and hover near the pot as it steams. You can use a towel to help localize it towards your sinus area and that should help loosen anything stuck in your nose or lungs. 

If the allergies get you, just keep on with the supplements to support and boost your immune system and never forget the apple cider vinegar! 

Some references from:

Love and Light <3 Psynn

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dental Health

Now, I am not the best one to go to for advice about teeth, because mine are a mess, but as a person with messy teeth and still having most of them, this takes work! I have always enjoyed brushing my teeth, so that was never a factor, but I was a fat kid and I ate a lot of sugar in my life before my teeth started hurting! Years ago I went to a dentist and she told me I needed a root canal in one of my teeth and it is starting to smart now, but if I could manage to keep up a good routine, I can win against this decay! First, fluoride is bad - it has never been good for us, it is a poison and dangerous. You want fluoride free everything and if possible, a shower filter if you live in the city. No tap water drinking unless you live off a well or have a stellar filtration system. Fluoride is not just bad for your teeth, it is bad for your entire body including your brain, but we will get into decalcifying the pineal gland on another day!

For years I used Tom's of Maine fluoride free toothpaste, but there are still silicates in their formula that I would prefer to avoid, so I began making my own. There are many different recipes online, but I prefer the following recipe:

5 tbsp coconut oil
5 tbsp baking soda
15-20 drops of peppermint essential oil

Some recipes include stevia as a sweetener, but I am not a fan of the taste of it. This mix is a bit salty at first, but after a week of using it, I can't even taste the baking soda anymore. If I had some hydrogen peroxide, I might add a little, but that tingling can be a bit disconcerting. Unbeknownst to many, coconut oil can help rebuild your teeth! If I had the money, I would add some bentonite clay, which is also purported to help rebuild your teeth, but as yet I cannot afford it - soon!

If you have tooth or gum pain and inflammation, the best natural soother would be clove oil. I have never had to use it, but it is something I keep in my brain arsenal in case of extreme pain. When my teeth or gums start to hurt me I have a formula that works every time since I figured it out.

The first step is oil pulling. This is a practice that we should all practice every morning, but I admit that I don't  do it every day. I forget to do it, but when your gums tingle, you will remember! So when you wake up in the morning you would go straight to the oil of your choice; different oils have different properties, which I will detail shortly. You take about 1 or 2 tbsp of oil into your mouth and swish. The real key is to try and keep the oil from trying to slide down your throat, because if you gag you have to start over. Swish that oil as long as you can stand it before spitting it out - I try to average about 2 minutes. When you spit out the oil it should have a white foamy appearance, sometimes it is a little more yellow. The more often I do it, the less white it becomes, so I assume the white are the "poisons" being drawn from the body. Either way, I am on day 3 of the toothache and it is diminished and almost gone. After oil pulling, I brush with a liberal amount of my paste to make sure that coconut oil gets all the way into that tooth root! My final step is to use a peroxide mouthwash and again I will admit that I have cheated with this up til now - I use Colgate Peroxyl, but I just found an awesome page with DIY peroxide mouthwash recipe (  and I will be switching to that! Later OTC chemicals!

Types of Oil for Oil pulling and their Effect:

Sesame Oil: This is one of the two highly suggested oils, make sure to get only organic cold pressed oils for all of your oil pulling. Sesame oil pulling not only helps detoxify the whole body, but is said to be especially helpful to those with troubled skin. This is the oil I use most often.

Sunflower oil: This is the second of the two highly suggested oils. There seem to be a lot of things this can help with per the people over at Earth Clinic, so this may be the one to try if you are not sure where to start. One person even said it cured their arthritis and suddenly I need some sunflower oil... Also, they seem to be hardcore swishers! Some people claim to oil pull up to 20 minutes a day and now I need more focus ;)

Olive Oil: I have not tried this oil, but per many testimonials it is the easiest oil to swish for people afraid of other oils and it improves mood. Some claim it can alleviate depression and of course, it still works for your teeth, too!

Coconut Oil: With as much coconut oil as I deal with every day, one would think I would try this, but I have not yet. Coconut oil as stated above helps rebuild teeth, so I can only imagine this would be amazing to try!

Safflower Oil: I don't know if it is true, but someone on Earth Clinic states that they cured their Rheumatoid Arthritis with oil pulling safflower oil, and if it is true I say may as well try it!

All detoxing can have some side effects, so if you have worsening of symptoms give it a little more time, because it could be your body just purging all the icky stuff that has stored up inside (healing crisis)! The oil pulling will also promote sinus health, so if you have a full nose be ready for a possible spill!

Anyway, I am sure there are so many more things we could go over - like the time I heard that baking soda and apple cider vinegar will help clean your gum line, but I can't attest to it, as I have not tried it yet :) Let me know if you have any successes or additions to this blog :)

Love and light <3 Psynn

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I can honestly say that I do not know if I have had a migraine. I have had some bad headaches, but I do not have any experience with the sort of headache that my poor migraine suffering friends talk about! Either way, as I do have many friends who suffer from migraines, I research them a lot! The main thing that my friend Sunshine, a frequent migraine sufferer, has stated worked for her were the green drinks. Now many of my friends have many different ailments and are of all different age groups, but most who have tried the green smoothies for migraines and managed to restrict triggers from their diets (gluten, for example) say that this is a good way to go!

Since I do not suffer from this specific ailment other then regular headaches, usually sinus induced due to my allergies, here is a link with a testimonial:

This link includes a recipe and a testimonial from a migraine sufferer:

This link says it could be linked to body acidity - guess what it alkaline? APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

This recipe looks amazing:

Now, in addition to the possible miracle of more magnesium into your diet, you can add magnesium oil to your routine to help improve mood. Magnesium oil is not cheap from what I have found online, but I did also find some threads that indicate that if you purchase toxin free nigiri and dissolve it in water it becomes magnesium oil, so may as well save some bucks if you can! Once the oil is made, pop it into a spray bottle and spray your arms and legs and middle and see if that doesn't help any!

Now, I can imagine that migraines make you dizzy and perhaps the smoothies will not take the pain away... my sinus headaches are not very fun and can combine similar elements. Of course, there are a myriad of over the counter remedies that may work like Excedrin Migraine or some such, but if you are looking for a healthier alternative for the pain part other than juices, see the following links: (kind of gave up on making tinctures after the last one was so alcohol, but I may try again some day with glycerin of some sort) I do make a medical salve that would probably also work for migraines, but it does contain maryjane, so if you have a medical card and need assistance making your own, feel free to message me :)

Other then a super awesome pillow, darkness, some soothing music and aromatherapy, this is all I have so far on migraines. If I find anymore, I will let you all know!

Love and light <3 Psynn

Friday, May 17, 2013

Some tips for depression

Had a very hard day yesterday and feeling it today, so please forgive the short post. I consider myself to be one of these "happy people" that are referred to in this article, but the reality is that I seek to be a happy person, so I try really hard, because I am more like the author than those she lashed out at...

I have not been diagnosed with any disorder other then IBS, essential tremor and scoliosis, but I planned to be a psychologist in college and quickly was able to diagnose myself as dysthymic. I have had bigger dips into depression, bad ones on and off over the years and I still have days where it is hard to get up or hard to smile sometimes. Since my breakdown, I have noticed that I cannot handle stress the way I used to, small things can trigger a big dip and though you all know I do not take big pharma medications, I will not judge you if that is the only way you are able to cope! Hoping this link will give some of you some help if you need it!

Love and Light from your friendly neighborhood Psynn <3

21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You’re Depressed.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hemp Seeds: The perfect food

Let's talk about hemp in celebration of Colorado planting their first fields of industrial hemp! I could go on and on about states rights, but really, it is about this amazing plant!

Hemp was prohibited for cultivation in 1970 in the United States, but recently many states have been making their own laws: thank you 10th amendment! Hemp was prohibited for a few reasons, but if you look into it, the reason was only due to its close relation to the marijuana plant, and though they are close cousins, they are not the same plant at all. Marijuana has high quantities of THC and CBD's that aid in pain relief and healing, but hemp has less than 1% of those same psychoactive properties. Hemp was also being edged out by other industries who had more lobbying power at the time, but now it is time to take the power back! Currently, we are the largest importer of hemp, but as a country we sadly have little industry left and hemp can revitalize us if it is properly legalized and under no threat from the federal government, which has yet to be seen.

Onto the seed! Hemp seeds are complete proteins, they are whole and complete! If a person were forced to live on hemp seeds, they would survive, though they may be grumpy from lack of variety. Hemp seed is considered a superfood - there are several of these magical foods, but I figure we can go over those as time goes on. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw and they turn to a gel in your mouth and body, so no need to worry about them affecting my pesky diverticula! You can make shakes, add them to cereal, juices, eat them on yogurt, in energy or granola bars as they are a natural source of energy and many necessary fats!

You can purchase hemp seeds online or at a health store and hopefully, soon at a local farmers market! For any marijuana growers in Colorado, make sure to move your babies indoors, as the close genetic tie between these two plants will screw up any outdoor grow. Seedy weed, kids!

Love and light <3 Psynn

For more about hemp seeds:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Today, I think we should begin talking about my chronic condition, so that any who suffer from it can learn some tips for pain management, anxiety management, and just to know you are not alone. I was a healthy child until I was immunized, then began a weird cycle of sickness that worsened as I got older. The last shot I received was the measles II monster one must take before attending college and that along with who knows what other environmental causes including becoming an adult and doing things on my own (anxiety!) have over the course of many years worsened to the point where I am now. I am in chronic pain from my IBS (C/D - I get it all), suffering from undernourishment due to my inflamed insides, and losing weight on a regular basis. Unlike Crohn's there is no roving infection to treat or find, just chronic pain and discomfort with a possibility of embarrassing effects at any time, which is not the best for an anxiety fueled illness!

In order to continue, I must explain that the last 2 years were harder then most, with multiple family and personal crisis that most people take one at a time. I pretty much had a mental breakdown, so my boyfriend scooped me up and sped me away to the country, where I am seeking all natural ways to manage or beat this affliction. Since my breakdown I now have more panic attacks then ever before, sometimes for no reason at all. So far, I have yet to find the answer to my advanced case, but I have tips for those who may not be as far along!

The first thing that every person with any gastrointestinal related illness needs to know is the power of PEPPERMINT! A few years back I was admitted to the ER with the worst IBS attack I have ever experienced. It began right before bed and then I was unable to sleep all night, running to the bathroom sick or sitting up and dozing. When I awoke, my now ex-husband made me go to the hospital since I was crying my eyes out and my intestines were running empty, just running and painful. Needless to say, doctors have no idea what to do in a hospital when something like this happens and they will steal your appendix if you let them. I left the hospital with no appendix, thinking it must have really been inflamed until my gastro actually told me they took it because they had no idea what was wrong with me. I had informed them that I was awaiting diagnosis for IBD or IBS - made no difference. After the surgery, the gas and air pockets were terrible in my intestines, but the pain medication made me unaware of it until they were gone. The doctors promised me more pain meds if I needed them and then denied them to me when I explained I was still in pain. I tried to go to work and was literally green and throwing up from the pain. That is when I found peppermint tea thanks to google. Peppermint is the only natural thing in this world that has been proven to reduce the spasms and pain associated with IBS. Over time, the amount of tea I would need in a day increased and started to hurt my stomach, so I switched to peppermint oil. Heather's Tummy Tamer's are now my preferred brand, as they are gentle in case I require multiple a day and they have ginger and fennel oil added for even more relief!

Next up, supplements! When I was on my full regimen of pills I would take the following every morning:

  • Heather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Pills - for obvious cramping, though I take this on a as needed basis throughout the day, if you wake up in pain and need it, you can start the day with these pills or their special tea or any peppermint tea!
  • 5-HTP - a precursor to serotonin, this is a very important part of lifting your mood. No matter how physical IBS feels, a lot of it comes from the inside and it is important to try and keep your internal chemicals as balanced as possible. Pain sucks the life from me, making me exhausted in every way, so this can help keep your head above water. I prefer Swanson's brand as linked, due to both cheap prices and quality!
  • Passion Flower - I don't take this as regularly anymore, but when I had a full time job, it was a necessity to have with me at all times. IBS is an anxiety based disease, worsened by stress and triggers. Think of it this way - someone without IBS can get upset and mad and then calm down. With IBS, we get upset and calm down, but that anxiety is still invisibly working itself through our insides. Of course, controlling stress and triggers is a key to controlling and living with IBS, but let's be honest - if you have a job, a life, responsibilities, this is really hard to do. Passion Flower will chill you out, just take care to try a low dose to start, because enough will make you sleep.
  • Vitamin B-12 - Every day I took a B-12 to help support my mood and give me energy.
  • Melatonin - I do not take melatonin now, because my chronic pain qualifies me as a medical marijuana patient in my state. Too much melatonin will make you feel wrong, and due to my consumption of mmj, my natural melatonin is usually at 400%. However, if you need help sleeping or relaxing, melatonin can help if you do NOT have 400% in your body naturally :)
  • Herbal Teas - depending on your associations, choose which you prefer. Remember that chamomile also helps with spasms and will calm anyone down, but any herbal tea without harsh stomach affecting herbs will work to help calm an attack, mostly because you will find it soothing!
  • Soluble Fiber - I no longer take supplemental fiber, as my insides are too sensitive, but once upon a time I took it 3 times a day. I would suggest working up to 3 times a day, because it can be harsh on the system. I would not suggest metamucil due to the harshness of psyllium on the intestines, but I did have some success with benefiber for many years, until my doctor told me to relax with it. It really hurt at the end, so just do whatever feels right!
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - taken internally daily, this helps keep your body in balance, and increases your immune function. It is a somewhat magical elixir - for the recipe see the first blog in this series!
  • Aloe Vera gel or juice - taken internally daily, it can help soothe and some say heal the lining of the digestive tract. I have not taken any for awhile, but I felt good when I did!
  • Exercise - this one I am terrible at. For years, I was a gym rat, just trying to beat down the pain, but I can no longer afford to join a gym as I am disabled, but not on disability. Now I do as much farm work as I can before collapsing, but with the undernourishment, I get tired easy and must take multiple naps a day just to function. Do yourself a favor and do some exercise before you get to the point I am at! Exercise is a great mood regulator and it will help work off stress. If I do have time for exercise I will usually opt for yoga, dancing, or hiking! Yoga especially, can help clear the mind and incorporates meditation. Yoga literally saved me when I was at a very dark point in my life, so if you need some light, just pull up a free video online and give it a shot! 
Other then these supplements, most people with IBS suffer from food intolerance or allergies. I am an intolerance type, having spent years researching and restricting my diet. In the past few years, I have regained many of the foods I stopped eating for 10 years, but only in small doses. It is hard to trick the system into digesting something it barely remembers, but I find it worth it after years of reading every label and not being able to eat out without modifying dishes at restaurants... If you are unsure of what is triggering you, I would suggest restricting a specific food a week until you figure it out. Currently, I still cannot ingest peppers or anything cooked in the oil of peppers, whole corn and some corn products, and anything that is greasy like sausage or pepperoni. Any of those foods still trigger me immediately, sadly! If you think you may be allergic to a food, you can get tested. When I got tested they gave me a scratch test and a patch test - worst week and a half of my life. These days a simple blood test can tell what may trigger you in some cases. I have found that if I consume too much of any food, it can become an intolerance, so be careful! All things in moderation.

For years I avoided refined sugars and it was wonderful - if you can do it, I highly recommend it to anyone!

Love and light from the litebrite - Psynn <3

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cold sores are the absolute worst!

Let's talk about cold sores. I don't know how they happen to other people other then what I have found through research, but I have had them since i was a child. When I was young they seemed to only occur while I was sick or before I got sick. As I have gotten older, the arginine triggers have become more sensitive and my newest and most devastating trigger - the sun. I love the sun, but sometimes I forget my sunblock lip balm and if I get burned badly enough, at least one cold sore is almost mandatory. I think it really has more to do with immune function overall, and due to my chronic illness, I have a hard time keeping mine as strong as I would like...

So, last weekend my boyfriend and I attended a regional burn (for non-burners, these are held in many states as a ramp up to Burning Man or for some of us, the only burn we can attend), and that means extreme camping for days on end. I promptly forgot my sunblock lip balm as we had planned to leave a day later then we did, but the excitement of the upcoming burn was too much - had to go early. Realizing my folly too late, I busted out the coconut oil I had packed for seasoning my pans and slathered it on as much as I could while still having tons of fun with my friends. Needless to say, I failed to save my lips from the worst burning ever. Three days in the high desert will do that to a person. Upon my return home, my lips were nothing more then giant scabs and within a few hours, that evil tingling and itching began. I ran to the medicine cabinet and squeezed what little Abreva I had left on my face and waited.

Due to the extreme damage to my lips, there was no escaping the outbreak, and unlike my normal ones it was not one large sore, but a million tiny ones. The Abreva was actually not helping much, though usually it does work pretty well. In desperation I began extensive research on the subject of naturally ridding myself of this beast on my face. As I said, Abreva can work, but it is not the cheapest thing to acquire and being broke, my kitchen yielded some gems! Also, I prefer to remove as many big pharma concoctions from my life as possible!

After reading many articles, threads, blogs, wiki's, and more I finally found a good way to rid myself of cold sores naturally! These may not work for everyone, but they worked for me!

  • Fresh Garlic - to begin with I read many articles stating that fresh garlic crushed worked great on cold sores. I take out one piece and slice it off, then proceeded to score and smush it as much as I could before applying it to my lip. Let it sting, because that is the healing at work, but don't hold it on too long or you may burn your skin around the sore. I did about 10 seconds per slice.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - there are two ways to go about it, drink it and apply it. Most vinegar is to be avoided during an outbreak, but acv is especially alkalizing, so apply a cotton ball soaked for about 10 seconds and let the sting fade! Drinking it will help your immune system!
  • Honey - apply honey after your acv sting has faded to protect and cleanse the area. honey is an all natural antibiotic and when the sores scab up, the honey will help contain the infection and heal your lip faster.
Here I am on day 7 with only a little scab on my lip! Apply these three things as many times a day as you can and you can naturally cure a cold sore! The rumor is that some of these methods will also drive away the infection for longer and if you drink your acv every day, your immune system cannot be beat. Also, remember that you can also add some L-Lysine or Lysine rich foods into your diet in order to beat off the arginine attacks, but avoid nuts - they are all arginine, all the time!

Stay healthy, my friends <3 Psynn!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Mighty Apple Cider Vinegar

First and foremost, I feel that all people should be aware of this amazing stuff! I heard about it as a child for specific ailments, but never for the entire vastness of its amazing effects! Any vinegar is pretty awesome for its properties in cleaning, but apple cider vinegar is a special sort. Braggs Organic is the best and contains the Mother, which is sort of like acv kombucha, but if you are in a pinch and can't get Braggs, any kind will do.

If you are suffering from a cold, low energy, need a cleanse, feeling blocked, having acid reflux, suffering from any acid reflux related disease, have gastrointestinal issues of any kind, have immune system problems of any kind and basically exist as a human person on this planet, you can benefit from drinking apple cider vinegar EVERY DAY! I will admit that I forget to take it fairly often, but if I feel the need it works every time.

There are several ways to ingest apple cider vinegar, but I prefer the following recipe:

  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • honey to taste up to 2 tbsp
  • 6-8 oz of water
Add 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar to a glass, then add the baking soda. If you enjoy carbonation in your drink, add the next two ingredients quickly to retain some bubbles. If you are like me and have some issues with carbonation, just let the vinegar and the baking soda dance until settled, then add the honey and water. I usually add 1 tbsp honey, then a shot of hot water to dissolve it and finish with super cold water. You can even add ice if it helps, but the drink is not unpleasant. My friends that have kids that have tried it usually call it apple cider vinegar soda :)

This mixture will benefit anyone, even pets! I have one friend who prefers to leave the water out of it and just shoots it like liquor, so find your own way, just get that vinegar in you, because it works! <3 love and light! - Psynn