Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hemp Seeds: The perfect food

Let's talk about hemp in celebration of Colorado planting their first fields of industrial hemp! I could go on and on about states rights, but really, it is about this amazing plant!

Hemp was prohibited for cultivation in 1970 in the United States, but recently many states have been making their own laws: thank you 10th amendment! Hemp was prohibited for a few reasons, but if you look into it, the reason was only due to its close relation to the marijuana plant, and though they are close cousins, they are not the same plant at all. Marijuana has high quantities of THC and CBD's that aid in pain relief and healing, but hemp has less than 1% of those same psychoactive properties. Hemp was also being edged out by other industries who had more lobbying power at the time, but now it is time to take the power back! Currently, we are the largest importer of hemp, but as a country we sadly have little industry left and hemp can revitalize us if it is properly legalized and under no threat from the federal government, which has yet to be seen.

Onto the seed! Hemp seeds are complete proteins, they are whole and complete! If a person were forced to live on hemp seeds, they would survive, though they may be grumpy from lack of variety. Hemp seed is considered a superfood - there are several of these magical foods, but I figure we can go over those as time goes on. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw and they turn to a gel in your mouth and body, so no need to worry about them affecting my pesky diverticula! You can make shakes, add them to cereal, juices, eat them on yogurt, in energy or granola bars as they are a natural source of energy and many necessary fats!

You can purchase hemp seeds online or at a health store and hopefully, soon at a local farmers market! For any marijuana growers in Colorado, make sure to move your babies indoors, as the close genetic tie between these two plants will screw up any outdoor grow. Seedy weed, kids!

Love and light <3 Psynn

For more about hemp seeds:

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