Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Natural Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies

As I am typing this, my ears hurt. The allergies have been killer lately, so bad that no matter what you take whether it is prescription, over the counter or holistic  it is a war inside your head and sinus cavity! My lymph nodes are half swollen, but to be fair I just laid out a bunch of straw and dirt in the garden and my nose is still full of dirt, so my poor body is working at maximum to keep these allergic reactions at a minimum. I am allergic to three different plants that flower every few months for the entire year on the west coast and I moved to Arizona! I guess that was a bad choice for my allergies. Anytime I work in the yard there is a chance that I will be stabbed by Russian Thistle also known as tumbleweed or come into contact with yellowdock, a common plant that is also used in many organic body products. I cannot recall the third allergen, but I have it documented somewhere. Anyway, onto the cures!

Local Honey: They say that if you want to get your body tough and able to take on local allergens, you should ingest local honey. All those pollen bits will enter your body and may worsen your symptoms for a while, but in the end, your immune system will be stronger. I do love honey, but it is not a cheap commodity so I have not been able to acquire any local honey to test this one. There are many testimonials online about it, if you need more proof, but really - honey is yummy, so just try it if you can afford it :) my allergies have worsened so much over the years that I am not sure I could ever afford enough honey to cure myself, but it will sure be fun to try!

Quercitin - Quercitin is a naturally occurring bioflavonid that we consume in a lot of different fruits, flowers and vegetables every single day, but in such small amounts that it is impossible for a human to consume enough food to create the same effect as the supplement. However, it's main function in supplement form is respiratory support and it saves my life every single day of bad allergy weather (and I live in a very windy place with lots of trees, weeds and plants around). I actually take the one with Bromelaine, because joint support is always a good thing! The thing I love best about quercitin is that it is natural and it works differently then any OTC medication. Instead of blocking the histamine, it blocks as much of the bodies reaction to the histamine as it can - I made my body mad with all that straw and dirt and allergens in my face, which is the only reason I am feeling any bad reaction.

Apple Cider Vinegar - As with all ailments I know of, allergies can be aided with a little acv cocktail every day. It just balances the body, raises the immune system, and is made of magic. 

Nettle tea: I have not tried this method, but it is a natural antihistamine!  As long as there is no allergy, can't hurt to try it! Any herbal tea that provides respiratory support would also be helpful!

Golden Seal/Echinacea: This can help boost your immune system, to better block those pesky infections. If I don't take my quercitin or acv, I am almost guaranteed an infection that will then have to be acv'd all over again :)

Netti Pot: This is a special thing. I have one, though I have not used it in a while and probably should now as all that dirt is driving me sort of crazy. The key is to breathe shallowly through your mouth as the water runs through your nose and out of your other nostril (hopefully over a sink). I am not going to tell you this is comfortable, but it is a great way to rinse your sinuses before something starts to spore! After you are done, blow your nose and it should eventually soothe the sinuses. Always use filtered water or purchased water. I live on a community well, but I would not even use that water. There have been a few too many stories about people having parasites from using tap water. I did it for the first year with no problem, but better to be safe than sorry on this!

Oil Pulling: If you oil pull every morning, this helps to keep the sinuses moister then they might normally be and we all know sinus infections start with dryness and cracking. When I oil pull I can't help but blow my nose afterwards as it knocks everything loose, in a good way!

Water: Keeping hydrated is a huge thing when allergens are about - once that irritation begins there is an increased chance of infection.

Rest: Some say that resting is a good way to stave off allergies, stating that stress can increase symptoms or aggravate them.

Staying Inside: I am the worst at this! Being a farmer, living in a trailer, having most of my things in a shed, having to run to town, etc. I can stay inside for only so long, plus I need that vitamin D! I did purchase a dust mask at some point, but it got shuffled in the move :) I will try to cover my mouth and nose with a handkerchief if I remember - I forgot today! 

Peppermint Steam: If that infection gets you and you just cannot breathe, put a few drops of peppermint essential oil in some boiling water and hover near the pot as it steams. You can use a towel to help localize it towards your sinus area and that should help loosen anything stuck in your nose or lungs. 

If the allergies get you, just keep on with the supplements to support and boost your immune system and never forget the apple cider vinegar! 

Some references from:

Love and Light <3 Psynn

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